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Voice SEO Optimization

Voice search will soon dominate all search results because of devices like Google Home, Amazon Alexa, the Siri App and more.
Voice SEO Optimization

The way people search online is changing. Increasingly, people are using voice search on their smartphones, tablets or voice assistants (like the Amazon Alexa or Google Home) to search for information on the internet. Siri is your best friend if you’re using an Apple device, Google voice search is popular on Android devices. All these devices will only grow in popularity, and if you do not have your website optimized for voice search, you’re going get lost in the crowd!

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Why do people use voice search?

People use voice search because it’s faster, simpler and more user-friendly. It simplifies searching for people who find it hard to type on small mobile devices keyboards, and it’s also faster than searching by text.

Google is predicting that by 2020, 50% of all searches will be via voice. Current numbers show that this prediction may not be too much of a stretch: last year, Google reported that 20% of mobile searches were already voice searches.

We can help you prepare for voice search

To prepare for the impact of voice search, we can take steps now to begin optimizing for voice queries. There are 3 ways to optimize site content for voice search:

  1. Focus on mobile. Focus on page load speeds, and simplify menus.
  2. Target long-tail keywords.
  3. Use targeted featured snippets of code that voice search devices read aloud.

The best part of taking time to optimize for voice search is that it improves overall SEO as well.

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We Know How People Speak When Doing Voice Searches

We will start brainstorming on what kind of natural spoken questions might be asked when someone is looking for your website. We also will move beyond regular long-tail keywords that you would get in just about every research tools out there.

Questions? Feel free to reach out to us

We’re sure that this might be a little overwhelming, and without a doubt you may have some questions. Please feel free to contact us, we’ll be more than happy to answer any questions or concerns you may have.


 Call Now! (414) 395-7694